Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Wet fruit

The postponed-from Sunday, 3 generation Christmas cake bake is now definitely on for tomorrow afternoon...so the dried fruit is well and truly soused and smelling bloody gorgeous, but it's not wise to work out how much it actually costs to make, it's probably cheaper to go out and buy one at M&S!

The programme for the Berlin trip was finalised this morning (note to Imp and SD : and Thursday afternoon is officially 'free' if you are?) and I got my expenses in a plain brown envelope this afternoon....that makes it 'real' somehow, roll on Sunday!

A couple of assorted frivolities:
A rather nice free download if you're feeling creative, Livebrush
They say...."Livebrush is a drawing application. It employs an easy-to-use brush tool that reacts to your gesture. By combining simple motion controls with brush styles, Livebrush offers a fun and unique way to create graphics." You have to have Adobe Air installed (but that comes with the download if you haven't already got it) and there's versions for Windows, Mac and Linux

Still feeling creative? Soundation Studio looks like fun if you fancy playing with audio

It's an online app and they say:
"Soundation Studio is the web based sequencer that enables you to make music, ringtones and audio clips directly from the internet without downloading any software. This beta version includes over 400 royalty free audio loops, 9 different effects, track automation, basic loop editing, loop audition, master channel control and mix down to desktop." (not that I understand a word of that!)

And here's some recipes....no reason!
Middle Eastern Cookery


sleepyduck said...

That looks like it's going to be a great cake!

See you Thursday next week :-)

impoftheyard said...

I'm really looking forward to meeting you. It's late (for me anyway) but I will come back and look more closely at the recipes. See you Thursday x

chaiselongue said...

Ooooh, that fruit looks scrumptious! I think I'd eat most of it before I put it in the cake. And the middle eastern recipe link is good too - a lot of my favourites and samboosak which I haven't tried before. I will now!

Jan said...

We've just been given some more aubergines, so I'll try that recipe. I'm glad your cakes have turned out ok!

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