Thursday, October 08, 2009

It's the weekend! read that right, I've got the day off tomorrow! But yes, it's coat-wearing weather, can't win 'em all I suppose.....

Found this today while looking for something completely raised a smile!

Seeing as I'm now officially in 'not-at-work' mode maybe a game later might be in order....

Found at Jayisgames
They say "It is difficult to describe the gameplay of The Glean of Glob. This is a surrealist dream, or perhaps a nightmare. There are no instructions, the player must figure out what to do while interacting with the characters on the screen. Everything can be accomplished by a click of the mouse, but after that, well, perhaps you'd better see for yourself. If you are looking for a linear experience, starting at A and progressing neatly to Z, this is not the place for you. But if you are up to the challenge, and would like to experience thought-provoking artwork, then dive into the world of The Glean of Glob"
Link straight to the game


sleepyduck said...

I found the Glean of Glob! That's the best thing I've done all day :-) All week, in fact. Thank you!

Have a great long weekend!

impoftheyard said...

Loved the video. I'm now going to check out Glean of Glob :-)

Jon Storey said...

Great video. Just about sums up Facebook.
I have Facebook but don't know what to do with it and the children don't understand how I can be so thick!! The Children's Mother is struggling along manfully (peer presure at work!) Thankfully she doesn't understand it either so I don't feel quite so bad. We old Luddites need to stick together.

Jan said...

Facebook gets looked at once per day, just to see what the whole family are up to... and I often don't like the answer!

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