Sunday, October 25, 2009

The sneaky salon shot

A sneaked shot from yesterday taken with the compact camera I rediscovered a couple of weeks ago....unfortunately it was on the 'utter crap quality' setting! But what is it about the lighting in hairdressing salons? Guaranteed to add 10 years to your age and emphasise every wrinkle, freckle, blemish and eye bag...and they charge you for the priveledge. Still, it's worth it for the entertainment value. The guy that's been cutting my hair for the last 30 odd years is a shining light in the local am dram soc (Widow Twanky in this years pantomime, perfect casting!) and was in fine voice yesterday giving us 'songs from the shows' with all the actions. We've got a 3 generation Christmas Cake Baking session this afternoon, so there may be a licking-the-bowl photo op later!


sleepyduck said...

Love that shot. Works so well in B&W :-)

b1tchesbru said...

I like it too! Lots of bright shiny things and people doing bizarre stuff to their heads!

Hope you enjoyed the cake baking!

chaiselongue said...

I like this shot too - some very strange treatments going on! The lighting is supposed to show up all your blemishes so you'll pay for more beauty treatments.

Jan said...

I always thought that the lighting was bright so that they wouldn't cut your ear off, but perhaps Chaiselongue is right!

Jon Storey said...

If I had any hair left, I like the look of the style that the girl in front has!

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