This one's been passed by the official censor.....apparently it's blurry enough to hide her freckles and she likes the minimal selective colour on the DS screen, but she'd like me to point out in no uncertain terms that the teddy bear in the background is absolutely nothing to do with her, it's the kittens 'cuddly bed'.
Haven't played this one since Episode 1, but now there's 3....
Deep Chalk
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
It's one of those point-and-clicky affairs
Maybe later.....if I don't fall asleep ......
Dog Violets
10 months ago
Hmm. These small people can be very sensitive! I have my doubts about the teddy though.
Do you know, I never had a teddy bear. Some would say that that explains a everything...
Of course the bear's not hers, how dare we even think it! Nintendo, hmmm, not had a go on anything of the sort since about 1998/9 when my son first got one. I was hopeless as it just gave me hysterics!
Great shot. I never had any of these things so I'm a true novice with the Nintendo Wii!
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