Monday, December 07, 2009

Sunrise over City Campus East

Sunrise over City Campus East, originally uploaded by moclaydon.
But I have to admit it was probably the best weather we had all day! I hate Mondays....but you've probably gathered that....

Think I'll indulge in a bit of BetaMaX Xmas later...........


sleepyduck said...

As you know, I'm not terribly keen on Mondays either. BetamaxXmas brings back memories :-)

Jon Storey said...

Very atmospheric shot!

You are right, the day got much worst, at least up the dale here it has.

impoftheyard said...

Once I get a job again I'll go back to hating Mondays but at the moment they're not too taxing. Your sunrise shot is lovely. BetamaxXmas is fun.

chaiselongue said...

You were at work early! Or is sunrise very late now? It was worth it to catch that lovely sky though.

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