Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Frankenstein's lab

I got a chance to view the mysterious 'Molecular Beams' lab under the stairs at work today, long defunct and being cleared out to make room for yet more building work and renovations. There were lots of strange, dusty bits of kit destined for the skip, puddles of water and and signs saying 'Beware LASERS' in BIG letters.....it was a bit spooky to be honest, quite glad I wasn't down there on my own!

So I've been making Imp's delicious soup tonight.....but of course I had to make some changes (partly due to not having some of the ingredients, and partly because I just can't stick to a recipe no matter how hard I try!) So the leek and the red onion was replaced with a large onion roughly chopped, the chick peas replaced with red kidney beans, and the chilli replaced with a heaped teaspoonful of smoked paprika, oh and I added a tablespoon or so of smoked sesame oil at the end.....otherwise it was exactly the same! AND it was/is delicious!

The boy-in-the-attic tells me he needs to reboot the router thingie, I'll post this now just in case it all goes pear-shaped!

LATER....it went slightly pear-shaped......

Seeing as its now December 1st I thought I'd try posting a daily 'seasonal' link.....ah yes, famous last words, don't hold me to it!
Background listening might be a good place to start....


impoftheyard said...

I found a recipe that I based my soup on and I changed that too according to the ingredients. The original had no sweet potato and certainly no leek. It's great to share ideas and for them to evolve. Glad you thought it was tasty too. I froze some so I will enjoy it again some time later and will only know what I did by checking my blog later. I love cooking by feel and what's in the cupboard! Sleep tight xxx

sleepyduck said...

That's a fine instrument! I'm glad you enjoyed the soup - and thanks for the Christmas shopping tips :-)

Jon Storey said...

I am quite envious. All I have under my stairs is a gas meter!

chaiselongue said...

Those full scale volts sound terrifying. The soup sounds good though!

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