Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Just to prove I'm still in the land of the living.....

.....and I haven't broken the camera.....

Early morning trip into the big city, this would have been taken at about  9.00am and the crowds were already gathering for another shop-till-you-drop session.....I did what I had to then came home knackered. Achieved zero this afternoon. The plan for tonight is do the bare minimum of the stuff I should have done/be doing then have an early night....I'll worry about what I haven't done tomorrow!


b1tchesbru said...

Have a glass of wine or two and forget about the stuff you "should" do. Will all be great anyway - even if you, like me, forgot the crackers. Ooops!

impoftheyard said...

Nice shot and I'm with b1tchesbru - don't get stressed about what you should do, I'm sure you've done more than enough. I've not finished what I'd have liked to do but I'm stopping now. Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year xxx

sleepyduck said...

Great shot. I agree with the other two - take it easy and have a great Christmas x

Jon Storey said...

Yes, feet up and a nice glass of something!

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