Sunday, May 27, 2007

Molecular gastronomy comes to the Lakes

"The white block was an impossibly light, and yet completely sturdy marscapone foam, topped with salmon roe, on a bed of parsley puree. The pink powder was grated frozen tuna, which reminded me of freeze dried astronaut food. The white puree was grapefruit foam, with passion fruit seeds. This was a riot of contrasting textures, with absolutely surprising complementary flavours."

A review of just one of the 24 courses on the 'Underground Menu'....available at L'Enclume, Cartmel
Check out the whole meal at L'Enclume in pictures and words
When I checked the restaurants website to find out how much the meal would set you back it was "price on application" that told me all I needed to know really......maybe when I win the lottery then!

Chris, Nick and I sampled a similar sort of menu at a restaurant directly under the flightpath at Nimes airport a couple of years was quite an experience!

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