Sunday, November 22, 2009


Just a quickie.....a weekend of zero photographic endeavour and lots of mooching around (not always a bad thing!) I'm just about to move the primary mooching location from the kitchen to the front room couch for a bit of mindless box-goggling...catch up time tomorrow night!


sleepyduck said...

Sounds like your weekend wasn't entirely unlike mine. Happy mooching!

impoftheyard said...

Yep, mine too. When it's horribly cold and dark it's hard to have much oomph for taking photos. Have a lovely evening in front of the box. That's what I plan too.

b1tchesbru said...

My men are watching American football - so I think I'll wash my hair instead! Enjoy!!!

Jon Storey said...

I love the shot though.

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