Sunday, September 27, 2009

What day?

Apparently I've roasted a chicken, made garlic croutons and a huge cauldron of soup (maybe I cackled a bit.....who knows), washed clothes (didn't wash dishes!) and OD'd on Lemsips and cheap port...everything else is just a blur. I'm off to watch the real thing.....


sleepyduck said...

Well done you! Sad to say, it's Monday now...

impoftheyard said...

Oooh enjoy! I haven't finished all my dishes either but I have cackled over a wok today :-)

b1tchesbru said...

I left the cackling to others today - picked up a couple of meat pies and had them with beans for tea. Instant heaven - even if frowned upon by the healthy eaters out there!

Hope you're feeling better soon.

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