Saturday, November 08, 2008

Back from foreign parts

So I'm back from you can see from the picture on the left the weather wasn't the best, that's the Fernsehturm (TV tower) in Alexanderplatz disappearing into the mist....we didn't bother going to the top! A`whistlestop tour.....
....and for a bit of retail therapy Ka De We
I'm all walked out, half a stone heavier and sporting a German chest infection....never mind, soon be Christmas! I'll post some pictures of the trip (and severely hung-over students) when I get round to downloading the camera.


Beth said...

Wow, you did a lot! I've never been to Berlin - really should remedy that sometime.

mo said...

Berlin is a great place, fantastic food, lovely people, loads to see and do...definitely add it to your list of places to visit. And yes, we fitted a helluva lot into 4 days!

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