Friday, August 29, 2008
Bramble glut

Oh, if only they were real!

PS...."Kipper Slippers" would work too!
Play BBC TV programmes for longer on iPlayer from 13th September

Thursday, August 28, 2008
Home Truths Archives

Physics game

Shamelessly lifted from The PRESURFER (take a click!)
"Fantastic Contraption is a fun online physics puzzle game. The objective is to move the pink wheel into the pink square. Your workspace is a blue rectangular building area and you can use different materials to build your device.However, every now and then there are obstacles standing in your way and although at first the game seems easy, it is not! "
Hey....it works, I'm impressed!!
NB...I had difficulties registering, so this one's an anonymous upload (and you need to register to manage your uploads and find them easily, if you're not registered you have to remember the tags you assigned when you uploaded....and my memory being what it is....!)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Vintage product placement

But what the hell is a "Tom and Jerry" I wondered...good old Google came up with the cocktail recipe. (you're just going to have to listen to the soundclip to understand the reference!)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Early visual media

Saturday, August 23, 2008
Saturday mornings in the 70's

Friday, August 22, 2008
Very short game (?) interactive artwork

Never mind the seaside rock.......

Tynemouth Castle and Priory, then and now

LATER....Re the gatehouse, found this at the Tynetown Gallery
"The Banks and Castle Tynemouth, c. 1915
In the background to the left of this photo can be seen Tynemouth Castle gatehouse with a brick built office block covering the original castle structure, it was built by the War Office in 1783. It caught fire in 1936 and was demolished restoring the gatehouse to it's former appearance."

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Nice timelapse showreel....
John Graeme Morris Timelapse Reel July 2008 from John Graeme Morris on Vimeo.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I'm (not necessarily)......

"The purchaser hereby and jointly covenant with the vendor that no part of the premises hereby conveyed shall at any time hereafter be used for the manufacture, distribution, sale or supply of any intoxicating liquors or for use as a public dance hall or for any purpose in connection with the organisation or practice of gambling in any of it's forms"
.....not sure how that squares with the open bottle of chewy red on the kitchen bench, "Dancing Queen" by Abba playing on the kitchen ghetto blaster and the lottery ticket in my purse!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
The Victoria Tunnel

"The Victoria Tunnel is an early Victorian Grade II listed structure built to transport coal to the River Tyne from a colliery at Spital Tongues, north west of Newcastle upon Tyne's town centre. As well as being used as a coal waggonway, it was also used as an air-raid shelter during World War II."
It's that secondary use that generated the following audio history files...and they make for fascinating listening. From a free audio CD the nice people at the Newcastle Community Heritage Project kindly posted out to me. The tunnel is currently closed for repair/refurbishment but due to re-open this winter for guided tours. (Maximum 10 per group, so just right for a family trip huh?) Contact tunnelenquiries@newcastle.gov.uk for more details
Building the shelter entrances....
Facilities in the tunnel....
Sheltering in the tunnel....
Waiting for the "All Clear"....
The bombing of Manors Goods Station....
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Sunday sniggers

"The letters posted here illustrate (hilariously unsuccessful) attempts at ADVANCE FEE FRAUD. The sender claims to be a bureaucrat, banker or royal toadie, who wants to cut you, and only you, in on the financial deal of a lifetime.....
.....Most such e-mails come from West Africa, chiefly Nigeria, or Nigerian expatriates (who are happy to scam other Nigerians). There are of course scam artists elsewhere. But these guys are special. Some people write them back just to waste their time. This is the art of scambaiting. Welcome to the Scamology."
This one, (WINKY WANKY WOO where "Squadron Leader Harry Fadgina's virgin, word used advisedly, bait takes the Prince-Albert-in-a-Can joke to new depths and demonstrates classic scambaiting technique, such as divide-and-conquer, insistence on laborious use of code-words, and all-around time-wasting.) had me in stitches. Also worth reading "Don't False Me to Do Stupid Thing to You", the fake death threat email.....now, I've never had one of these yet, but I'll enjoy it when it comes!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Who do Hoodoo?

S, H and D off to Antwerp
Friday, August 15, 2008
Seaside dereliction

Test file from box.net
Trying out another way of posting a file to the blog....bear with me!!
Middle Eastern Cookery.pdfBlog Admin

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Personal rant - 'listen again' to BBC news bulletins suspended for duration of Olympic Games

Y'know, I don't actually CARE about the Olympics, and there wasn't even anything about them in the news bulletin in question (why do I suspect a distinct lack of UK medals as probable cause?).....but World war 3 could have broken out and I would have been none the wiser. RANT OVER!
Leek Show Shock Horror.....breaking news!!

For the last 28 years, the world open leek championship and world heaviest onion challenge at the Northern Club in Ashington, Northumberland, has attracted entries from across the UK.
Prize money of £7,500 was up for grabs in the Newcastle Breweries-sponsored show, with £1,300 for best stand of leeks and £1,000 for the weightiest onion.
As smaller club and pub shows have fallen by the wayside, the showpiece event at the Northern Club has helped continue the social and cultural tradition of leek growing going back more than 150 years.
But now the club has decided to axe the show, due to be held next month......"
The rest of the story here
But the writing was already on the wall, climate change warnings in 2006 from the BBC
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The Hexham Wolves

"(about) One hundred years ago, a Northumberland town was gripped by panic when a mysterious wolf began attacking local livestock. Charles Fort recorded the case – and much other strangeness in Britain during the winter of 1904/1905"
The story at the BBC
The story at The Fortean Times
ps.....maybe if we make it that far west I'll pay a visit to the local library, check out their newspaper archives!
Britain from Above
"Andrew Marr takes to the skies exploring Britain from above.
An epic journey revealing the secrets, patterns and hidden rhythms of our lives from a striking new perspective.
Britain looks very different from the skies. From a bird's eye view of the nation, its workings, cities, landscapes and peoples are revealed and re-discovered in new and extraordinary ways.
Cutting edge technology allows you to see through cloud cover, navigate the landscape and witness familiar sights as never seen before."
Monday, August 11, 2008
Big Bang....a date for your radio diary

"Radio 4 joins CERN on 10 September 2008 as scientists attempt to discover more about the origins of the Universe by recreating the aftermath of the Big Bang."
Homepage here
Programmes on the day
Torchwood....the missions

Sunday, August 10, 2008
Sunday dinner

Rosemary and balsamic chicken with roasted onions
Heat oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5. Starting at the neck, carefully loosen the breast skin away from the flesh, trying not to tear it, then place a branch of rosemary down the side of each one. Put the rest of the rosemary in the cavity. Season the chicken inside and out, place in a roasting tin, then sit an onion in each corner of the tin. Drizzle the olive oil over the chicken and onions, then roast everything for 1 hr 20 mins.
Meanwhile, stir the vinegar and honey together until the honey has dissolved. When the chicken has had about 40 mins, whip it out of the oven, drizzle the chicken and onions with the vinegar mix, then continue to roast until the time is up. Remove the chicken to rest, turn the onions over and continue to roast them in the oven while the chicken rests, about 20 mins. Serve each person a portion of chicken, a roasted onion and some of the sticky pan juices.
(I added a quartered lemon to the cavity stuffing, just because I had one, and basted a couple of times towards the end of the cooking time) Update when it's cooked and scoffed!
LATER....highly recommended, and what little that was left of the carcase also made some yummy soup.....maybe not very seasonal, but then neither is the weather!
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Gracious living

The Art of Donald McGill

George Orwell, the blog.....

"From 9th August 2008, you will be able to gather your own impression of Orwell’s face from reading his most strongly individual piece of writing: his diaries. The Orwell Prize is delighted to announce that, to mark the 70th anniversary of the diaries, each diary entry will be published on this blog exactly seventy years after it was written, allowing you to follow Orwell’s recuperation in Morocco, his return to the UK, and his opinions on the descent of Europe into war in real time. The diaries end in 1942, three years into the conflict."
Friday, August 08, 2008
Sabre Dance
Shout loud

When you dial the Telemegaphone’s phone number the sound of your voice is projected out across the fjord, the valley and the village of Dale below."
Link to webpage
100 papercraft models

Flooded cities

FloodSim is a serious game with the aims to raise awareness of the vast number of issues surrounding flood policy and Government expenditure and to increase citizen engagement through an accessible simulation."
Click to play
Rock Art

"Amongst the outcrops and boulders of northern England keen eyes may spot an array of mysterious symbols carved into the rock surfaces. These curious marks vary from simple, circular hollows known as 'cups' to more complex patterns with cups, rings, and intertwining grooves. Many are in spectacular, elevated locations with extensive views but some are also found on monuments such as standing stones and stone circles, or within burial mounds. The carvings were made by Neolithic and Early Bronze Age people between 3500 and 6000 years ago. The original meaning of the symbols is now lost but they provide a unique personal link with our prehistoric ancestors."
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Baby ouch

From ModernMechanix
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Another one for Sarah..."Physical Culture"

A mildly techie post...converting .avi files to play on an iPod Classic

....first off a warning, this is not something you should leave until an hour before you leave for the airport, and probably not something you'd want to do at all if we're talking a "watch once then discard" film....just keep it for all-time favourites. It's not a quick process, one hour playing time will take at least double that to convert to mp4 format.
The best freeware conversion software I've found and used is WinFF. Download, unzip and install, and you're off! Documentation here, but I doubt you'll need it.
Polish supermarket plug

Things to do with spuds

Friday, August 01, 2008
Game...A Murder of Scarecrows

Play here
Vintage ouch

From ModernMechanix