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Found at Archive.org (where you can download a high res version) They say.....
"This outrageous parody of the prototype 'commercial' family was apparently made as an in-house joke by one of the largest producers of television commercials. Their clients would have never seen this gem, which parodies products as well as the people that buy them."
If you've been watching "City of Vice" on Channel 4 over the last few weeks you might be interested in playing the game that goes with the series. The first episode is online with another 4 episodes planned.
From the 365 day project, 2003
"Take a trip back to Swinging London, to a time when Saturday night was indeed "the zippiest night of the week"; when spending just over ten English pounds in your local branch of John Collier Menswear would immediately "up" your smoothness factor; when "fabulous fabrics" were thought to include various types of plastic fibre; to a time when high-street stores gave out groovy promos on 7" vinyl..... With a typically cut-glass "get hip, dad" intro by top BBC voice Brian Matthew, and a Johnny Johnson Orchestra jingle which verges on the ridiculous (those timpani!), can any aspiring sophisticate resist the allure of the Saturday Night Suit?"
Checkser is a wiki of checklists, all sorts (I liked the "what to take on a camping trip" one!)It's new, so not a lot of content so far, but you can always add your own! Personally, I prefer pen, paper and a large mug of coffee to aid the listing process.
And I'm not alone....check out GroceryLists.org for other peoples discarded shopping lists
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