Very Urgent Attention,Please permit me to introduce my humble self to you, my name is Mr. StevenJames, I am the Manager of International Relation with Citizens Bank of NigeriaLimited, I 'm 38yrs old, and I got your email address from a friend of mine,and my confidence reposed on you. I hope you read this message carefully andreply me immediately. Although we have not met before, but I suggest that thistransaction will bring us together.My dear, we had a customer, a foreigner but base here in Nigeria, his Name wasMr. Hamilton Creek. He is from Atlanta Georgia United State of America, butbased here with his wife and his two children, Mr. Hamilton has being bankingwith us for the past 4yrs and some time in August 2002, Mr. Hamilton was on hisway to his house, and unfortunately ran into a Trailer load of Groundnut Oil,and died immediately, Their car got burnt, no single soul was saved, Mr.Hamilton Creek and His entire family was confirmed dead.My Board of Directors and the Management of Citizens Bank has mandated andinstructed me to look for Mr. Hamilton Creek?s relation(s) and his Next of Kinto come and claim his fund, Since August 2003 Till date, I have been lookingfor his relation's or his next of Kin to come and claim his fund which heDeposited with our bank, I have contacted his Embassy and after 3days, hisAmbassador told me that Mr. Hamilton Creek has no relation and no next of Kin,their Ambassador told me that he used his first son as His next of kin, but itis quite unfortunate that Mr. Hamilton Creek Died with all his family members.The reason why I contacted you is thus, Mr. Hamilton is dead, and his only sonwho supposed to inherit his properties and money also died With him. As at thismoment, nobody or person[s] is coming to claim this Money from our bank. TheBoard of Directors and management of our bank told me that if nobody or person[s] apply for the claim of Mr. Hamilton Fund, the bank will return the entireFund into our Federal reserve. In the Light of the above, I want you to standas the next of kin to Late Mr. Hamilton Creek, it might interest you to knowthat he had a Domiciliary Bank Account with our Bankand he has a total sum of US$9.2M Nine Million Two Hundred Dollars, this is theexact amount which he had in his domiciliary account before the ugly incidentoccurred, and this money is still in his account as unclaimed money.This transaction is very easy and simple, and it is 100% risk free, I'm theManager for International Relations with Citizens Bank of Nigeria Limited, andthe Management and Board of Directors of the Bank are waiting for me to provideto them the Relation or next of Kin to late Mr. Hamilton Creek, of which I toldthem that I am still searching the next of kin to the deceased. Finally, if youare interested with this transaction, I will front you to the bank as the onlynext of kin to late Mr. Hamilton Creek, and I will let the bank know that youare the only right person to inherit Late Mr. Hamilton Funds and properties. Ifyou are interested, just email me or call me on my direct and private line#:+234-80-53636226. and late Mr. Hamilton?s Funds will be credited into youraccount and all his Properties will be released to you either through CourierServices or the Bank will Cargo all his properties to you in any were you wantit.So reply me immediately and feel free to ask any question with regards to thistransaction. You will take 50% of the US$9.2M. Which is? US$4.600, 000.00 FourMillion Six Hundred Thousand Dollars, while the Balance of the same amount willbe mine.Your swift response will be highly appreciated.Thanks and have a nice day.Friendly RegardsMr. Steven James
So Mr Steven James wants questions? me with suggestions!
Dog Violets
10 months ago
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