Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A Beautiful Day

Posted on Anne's behalf due to further technical problems

Off on our travels once again we headed down to Peterborough and booked into the Bull Hotel (where we spent many a happy night boozing on our speedway travels). Spent the afternoon savouring the culinary highlights of the City…not something I would recommend as it can basically be summed up as what do you want with your chips!

After John topped up his alcohol intake in readiness for the night ahead…we headed for the Broadway theatre and a night in the company of the great man himself (see above for photographic memoir of the evening. A packed theatre resonated to the sound of those old classics as well as some new hits…yes he is still producing new albums…and gyrating grannies. After dragging Anne away from the stage door we headed back to the hotel bar and the delights of Match of the Day…disturbed unfortunately by twittering women of a certain age swooning at programmes and calendars.

And just think it is all to be repeated again this Saturday in Preston…less the alcohol unfortunately says John!!


mo said...

Do I detect a bit of a paunch under that retro-style waistcoat, maybe a slightly world-weary expression? Still.....we're all not looking any younger these days and he can always turn his earnings into liposuction should he feel the need (but I hear that the punters aren't THAT fussy on the working mens club circuit these days!)

mo said...

ps...just noticed after further close perusal of the piccy (I was bored, OK?)....take note of the artful 'brush-forward' of the once luxuriant locks in the just-above-the-ears area. Now, I'm betting Essex Man has a substantial share-holding in L'Oreal....but is he worth it?

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