Sunday, September 03, 2006

Still on the subject of food....

This is a special request to Chris, Anne and Richard (Bex....tell your dratted parents to get their collective arses into gear and join up before we start spreading malicious rumours about them!) I've probably bored you with this idea of mine to write up a bit of family/local history....well I need a bit of assistance in the content department. Dredge the far recesses of your memory and post your recollections of family diners and Ma's kitchen escapades....what we ate when we came home from school or for school dinners, culinary disasters (eg does anyone remember the day she decided to go exotic and cook moussaka using potatoes instead of aubergine?) and any particular favourites that we've never eaten since the 70's? Come the dirt!!!


Unknown said...

A contribution from Anne.

Does anyone remember the very nice Rissoles on a about the Irish Stew Curry made with a tin of stew and a spoon of curry powder and of course fish and chips on a Friday.

There was also the horse trading of potato for skins...egg for yolk and steak for kidney...

Mother trying to hide cauliflower in mashed potatoes to get Anne to eat it...but not surprisingly it was found...

John wants to contribute the stories the chicken in the caravan which generated more oil than a full oliv egrove and the chps she tried to cook in Olive Oil ...because he has heard them so many times!

Unknown said...

John wants to contribute memories of Mother's chocolate cakes - esoecially those with pears on - which sustained him through his courtship with Anne...this is also the nearest he will get to seeing one as they seem to have disappeared from Mother's repertoire...

mo said...

Thank the lord....there's still someone out there....but it sounds like a conversation between just the three of us....start nagging guys!!!!

mo said...

OK....hands up, who's made a leek pudding anytime recently? I've run out of (thoroughly boiled in the burco!) muslin nappies to wrap the buggers in. Can't remember whether Ma ever did this (if you're reading this Ma you can put me right) but leftover slices fried crispy were the business!!

mo said...

If a 'comment deleted by author' appears it was just because I was overenthusiastic in the clicking last message appeared twice!

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