Tuesday, January 19, 2010

No.....not the Med!

not the med, originally uploaded by moclaydon.

BUT, maybe that's what I need, I've got a sneaking suspicion that I might have a dose of SAD....terminal grumpiness, ultimate lethargy and a yearning for anything other than what I happen to have....think I need to buy one of those lamps! Took this pic yesterday on a bit of a sunshiny wander round town, it's the roofline of a semi-derelict building just north of the Tyne Bridge, part of a conservation area (Grainger Town), so let's just call it the Hanging Gardens of Pilgrim St....they won't be pulling it down anytime soon......that's a good thing.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

with chips........

....and before you ask it's an elderly lens from an ancient, retired epidioscope that I use as a magnifying glass (rescued from a skip years ago), it's incredibly heavy and the 2" thick lens has a corroded brass housing and I love it to bits, chips and all!
Another boring day at work, nothing else to report..........

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Market closing prices

market closing time, originally uploaded by moclaydon.

Had to hit the shops on the way home from work today, took a short cut through the Grainger Market which was all but closed for business for the day. A lot of the overhead lights were out but the lights from the odd open stall cast some nice shadows on the tiled floor.....I'm easily pleased! In other news I've had the most boring day at work for a long time......my pc has been hit by a trojan invasion and is keeling over under the pressure.....lots of backing up of all those essential work files and apart from that zero achieved. Net result, a thoroughly grumpy Mo, I may take to the bottle!!

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Rear View

rearview, originally uploaded by moclaydon.

Not a whole lot of photography going on today. Actually, not a whole load of anything going on today except keeping warm. It's official.....the white stuff has definitely lost it's quirky charm!

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Triple 5star kitty

triple5starkitty, originally uploaded by moclaydon.

Sorry folks, it's another kitten shot, been stuck in the house all day and my brain hurts. Good as it gets I'm afraid! Can someone turn off the snow and icy stuff?

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Blocked up

Godda cold in by dose....all blocked up and feeling sorry for myself. Made the mistake of going into work on Monday morning and I've been regretting it ever since.....although 27.5 hours sleep in the last 36 HAS made a difference, I'm definitely on the mend! More later.....
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