Friday, October 31, 2008
Bad Welsh
Berlin bound
The 'DO' Lectures
The lecures are all online here
Here's a sample
Andy Cummins....Surfers Against Sewage Campaign Officer
"Andy started surfing way back in 1992 in the North East. Back then surfing in the North Sea was similar to surfing in an open sewer. This served as great inspiration and drive to bring about change, but at 15 he never thought he could be an active part of that movement, so the most he did was join Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) and tag along to actions and events in his area.
Since then, travelling, experience and education has helped open his eyes to the scale of abuse our oceans and seas suffer at our hands. He has been a full time SAS campaigner since 2003, working on over 50 campaigns."
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Another spooky game

Halloween lucky dip

Also worth checking out is the Vintage Halloween Postcard pool for creepy cards.
Monsters in mid-1870s news prints from Pink Tentacle.....
"For a brief period in the mid-1870s, artistic woodblock prints known as “newspaper nishiki-e” were a popular form of mass entertainment in Japan. These colorful prints fed the public’s enormous appetite for sensationalism by retelling shocking stories culled from the major newspapers of the day. The Meiji government swiftly cracked down on the publishers of these “unofficial” sources of information, causing them to disappear as quickly as they had appeared, but not before hundreds of issues had been published and circulated around Japan."
The interactive artwork. Wander/click around a deserted, derelict hospital. As they say "Stay a while, stay forever"
Why not get in the Halloween mood with some Zero Budget Zombie Make-up
Scuttlebuggery is described as "sort of like a game of liquid soccer played between beetles with drops of absinthe and formaldehyde" had me beat, but I rather liked the music, and I'm guessing that if you get past the first level you get to hear more

Who knows, maybe more later......
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Surveying Berlin.....again

Here's one for Anne and John.....

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Halloween cocktail.....

Brain Hemorrhage
1/2 - 3/4 oz. Peach Schnapps
Float 1-2 Tbl. of Baileys on top
Drop 1 tsp of grenadine through the Baileys.
Apparently it tastes like peaches and cream
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Slow, slow, quick quick, slow.....

First off, the distinctive sound.....
A vintage Victor struts his stuff in the 20's
....and some vintage "Come Dancing" (they sewed all the sequins on themselves!)
Jesmond Picture House

From Wikipedia...."This suburban cinema opened in 1921 and survived well into the multiplex age. Made in America was the last film to be screened there when it finally closed its doors in October 1993."
The Jesmond didn't just do films, I remember seeing Alexi Sayle there in the mid 80' was described as "a memorably bawdy and raucous night", and I can vouch for the fact that it was!
In 2007 28DaysLater, the UK urban exporation group, 'gained access' (no names, no pack drill!) and took some pictures of the decayed interior....see them here together with scans of the Chronicle write-up
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Your name here.....
I tried embedding this video from (where it's described as "The ultimate generic industrial film, built around every script and visual cliche") but Blogger was having none of it. Made in 1960, you can read more details and download the original here
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Sunday timewaster

Bisect the angle, find the centre of the circle, find the mid-point of the line etc....strangely addictive even when you're rubbish at it (it took me ages to get that screen grab where I was even vaguely close!)
Friday, October 10, 2008
When concrete was king
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
The Beatles do Shakespeare
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Oliver Kilbourn - a retrospective

19 September– 31 October 2008
Northumbria University Gallery
Monday to Thursday 10am – 5pm, Friday and Saturday 10am to 4pm
Closed Sundays and Bank Holidays. Admission free.
Well worth a visit!
Snarling beast

Monday, October 06, 2008
Stay calm and stay in your homes

"A script written by the BBC and the government to be broadcast in the event of a nuclear attack has been published. The script, written in the 1970s and released by the National Archives, included instructions to "stay calm and stay in your own homes". It said communications had been disrupted, and the number of casualties and extent of damage were not known. Other papers reveal debates about how to ensure the person reading the script was authoritative and comforting. The script was discussed from 1973 to 1975, during the Cold War."
Read more, and download the transcript here
Graffiti Creator

1 If you have a 'virtual' pdf printer installed just print to that, many image editing programmes are capable of opening pdfs where you can tidy the image up
2 That ever-useful PrtSc (Print Screen) key at the top of your keyboard works wonders too.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Welcome to Mars

Saturday, October 04, 2008
60's Newcastle

Bubble Cars
There's a great post about the Bubble Car Museum at Nothing to See Here for the similarly afflicted.
A moment in time

The online archive of all 17 issues (either read online or download as pdf)
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Animal crackers

"When he retired in 1954, Mr Joseph Maw reminisced about his 44 years with educated animals. His first was a horse called Skylark, who could pick from a pile of handkerchiefs those colours named by the audience. Another was Daisy, who danced, and then there was Dolly, the Shetland pony who did sums and told fortunes. In addition, he had a troupe of performing dogs." No, no you can't leave me in suspense...tell me more
From the "North Shields, Life and Work, 1890-1930" Collection at Tomorrow's History